We the members of Tegloma were in a real dilemma, as Emmerson is such a popular musician in the Sierra Leone and Liberian community here in Minnesota. We ultimately decided to go ahead with our fundraising, considering the amount of time and effort that we had already expended in preparing for the dance.
Some of our members were however able to get in touch with Emmerson, who promised to visit our fundraiser after his concert. Being the gentleman he is, he came and everybody was so excited to have him there. He was one of the highlights of the occasion, in addition to the Tegloma 'Gorboi' and 'Sowei'. As usual yours truly was there with my camera, and took some pictures. Please reproduce only with my permission. Contact is shekusheriff@hotmail.com. Enjoy a cross section of some of the pictures I shot that night. Hope you will see some long lost relatives.
It was a joyous occasion and in spite of Emmerson's presence in town, our revenue exceeded our expenditure, which means ,we turned a profit! There was also tons of free traditional food; Cassava leaves, Potato Leaves, 'Krain Krain', 'tola', Pepper soup, rice and beans, to name but a few. The DJ stepped up to the occasion with lots of traditional and contemporary Sierra Leone music. All in all, it was a successful occasion. Thanks for reading, got to run.
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